This time the swells are in the North Atlantic Ocean. Not that they are as daunting as the ones in the Southern Ocean, when I was in the Sub-Antarctic, but enough to make a few of my fellow passengers (who are called “guests” on the ship) a wee bit green around the gills. Or perhaps the green-ness is just a carry-over from our last port of call, which was Belfast. Anyway, not everyone is enjoying it as much as I am. I rather like being rocked about.
We are due to dock in Reykjavik, Iceland, tomorrow, and the sea is expected to get worse before we get there, so we’ll see if I’m still as chirpy then.. I do love being on a ship — especially one of the smaller ones. This is the Silver Whisper, which I’ve spent a bit of time on before. It’s a nice ship, but –like me– she shows signs signs of having had a couple of trying years since I was last on board. But she is being spruced up, which is more than I can say for me. Nevermind. It is so restful to be here, and have everything done for me. Mind you, there may not be much done for anyone tonight . . . It’s getting pretty frisky out there. Doors are slamming, furniture is shifting. Perhaps I’ll forego the lecture on Hot Spots in the Middle East this afternoon. Getting to the lecture theatre could be tricky. Even my wig is threatening to fly off my head. What’s it gonna be like by the time we get to Greenland?
I do enjoy a bit of excitement in my life, which is usually fulfilled by wondering whether the next parcel from the online auctions will be delivered tomorrow or the next day. This is a bit special. And, of course, the creaking and banging noises, as if the ship is breaking up, make it all the more exciting. Rats. I forgot to pack my Kwell. MM
update: things have become rather more exciting as the evening wears on. Serious swells now. I’m taking to my bed. Walking is perilous. This is fun!
Filed under: creative nonfiction, holidays, Humor Tagged: Creatve Non-Fiction, Cruising, Lifestyle, Sea swells, Travel